Friday, November 17, 2023

Seasonal Foods: Winter

As the weather gets colder, it’s common to get less sleep, be less active, and have changes in mood. That means it’s even more important to choose foods that will maintain energy levels and give you the right nutrition. This will help keep your physical health intact and support your mental health. Consider adding these foods to your diet:

Salmon has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been proven in some studies to lower the risk of depression. It is a great source of protein that contributes to heart health.

Oranges have high amounts of vitamin C, which supports immune system strength. They also contain dietary fiber to help with digestion.

Butternut squash has been shown to improve immunity, heart health, and even your skin. Like oranges, they are a great source of dietary fiber and help maintain blood sugar levels.

Sweet potatoes have vitamin A, which aids in the function of your heart, lungs, and other organs. They also provide potassium, which is necessary for bone strength.

Cauliflower contains phytochemicals, which can help prevent cancer and inflammation. It also contributes to development and energy levels.

Getting the proper nutrients from your food is important all the time, but especially when it’s harder to go outside and stay active. Adding these foods to your diet this winter can help maintain your health and keep you energized to finish the semester strong.


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