Friday, November 10, 2023

Negative-Calorie Foods

A popular belief amongst consumers is that some foods fall into the category of “negative-calorie foods”. Various fruits and vegetables (with a low number of calories and a high water content) have been placed in this category by consumers who believe it takes more energy to eat these foods than the amount of energy these foods provide in return. Therefore, the act of eating these foods will aid in the weight loss efforts of the consumer. This way of thinking, however, is not supported by research.
To lose weight, factors such as resting metabolic rate, metabolism, and physical activity must be considered. The act of chewing and digesting “negative-calorie foods”, or any foods, does not outweigh the significance of the previously mentioned factors. Additionally, when consumers drastically change their diet to incorporate these “negative-calorie foods”, they risk not eating a balanced diet with the necessary nutrients. To aid in weight loss efforts, it is recommended to create a plan with a registered dietician nutritionist which focuses on the consumption of many foods instead of only plant-based options and “negative-calorie foods”.

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