Friday, December 6, 2019

Why Sleepless Nights Cause Junk Food Cravings

A link between the foods you eat while you are lacking sleep and your sense of smell have been made in a new study. Science daily reviewed research linking the increase in craving higher calorie, high-fat foods and our olfactory system or sense of smell. Sleep deprivation first causes this system to go into a frantic state, which sharpens food odors for the brain. Communication between the olfactory system with areas in the brain that receive food signals are then altered and influence your decisions about what to eat. Sleep deprivation also increases cannabinoids, according to the researchers, which are naturally produced by the body and influence how we eat and how the brain reacts to food smells. The first line of action would certainly be to get more sleep. As the researchers also suggested, being aware that your nose and smells could alter your decisions could preemptively influence superior food choice when you are sleep deprived. 

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