Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sugar Binges Impact Gut Permeability

Sugar is something that is consumed every day in the average American diet, whether it's from fruits, candy, or pop. Science daily reviewed a research study that explained how short-term high-sugar binges in mice increased chances of inflammatory bowel disease and severe symptoms after only two days. The mice had greater intestinal tissue damage and a defective immune response. One of the researchers explained how these results can be associated with the concept of it being okay to “eat well” all week and binge on junk food on the weekend. These problems can be alleviated with high-fiber foods that will end up producing short-chain fatty acids, which are crucial for an efficient immune response. The researcher explained, "Our study showed that gut permeability increased quite dramatically in the mice on the high-sugar diet -- which means that bacterial products are free to move from the gut... it raises the possibility that this phenomenon might be driving these diseases, but this needs to be looked into." 

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