A recent research article published by the International Journal of Epidemiology looked to see if the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk changed between those who ate large amounts of animal protein and those who ate large amounts of protein from nuts and seeds. Often, different types of fats are associated with CVD risk, but this new data suggests that specific proteins may also be a factor. Looking at the data from 81,000 patients, this study looked at not just meat protein vs. plant protein, but further separated the categories. This study found that the people who ate large amounts of meat protein had a 60% increase in CVD, and those who ate large amounts of protein from nuts and seeds had a 40% reduction in CVD. In future studies, specific amino acids could be identified to see if certain ones have a greater impact than others on CVD risk.
Read the full article here: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180403111106.htm.
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