Friday, December 8, 2023

Timing Pre- and Post Workout Nutrition

A common question that athletes ask is what they should be eating before and after a workout. The answer to that question is not so cut and dry. How people’s bodies react best is very individualistic, but there are a few key tips for pre-and post-workout fueling. First off, do not skimp on carbohydrates before your workout. They are your body’s main source of energy, and if you skip out on them beforehand, you will tire out quicker. A small amount of protein in your pre-workout meal is also suggested. It is best to fuel for the workout 1 to 4 hours before, based on what works best for your body. Some suggestions for pre-workout meals are a PBJ sandwich, greek yogurt with berries, or oatmeal. Secondly, your post-workout meal should restore the nutrients you lost. You should focus on having a sizeable amount of protein, to help rebuild muscles and carbs, to reload your glycogen stores. It is optimal to eat within an hour after working out. Some suggestions for good post-workout meals are a recovery smoothie, low-fat chocolate milk, or a lean meat sandwich or wrap with veggies. Remember, you should listen to what works best for your body and never try anything new on days of competition. 


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