Friday, December 15, 2023

Family Exercise Ideas for Every Season

Everyone knows that it is good to get moving occasionally. But this can be challenging, especially at different times of the year. It is easy to get busy and unmotivated. But the key to an active family is finding fun things to do in every season. Aiming for 30 minutes for adults and 60 minutes for kids of moderate activity daily is the goal – no matter the weather!

Once it gets cold in the winter it can make outdoor activities like jogging and cycling difficult and even unsafe. Consider some of these indoor ideas instead:

- Walk inside your local mall

- Take the stairs whenever possible

- Do not wait for spring cleaning- clean now!

- Watch and follow an exercise video online

- Exercise indoors at a nearby gym

There are still some fun outdoor activities that can be held outside in the winter! Examples of this can be:

- Having a snowball fight

- Going ice skating

- Going sledding

- Making snow angels

Adding physical activity into your day may feel easier in the spring and summer. Spring weather makes it easier to get outdoors and get your recommended amount of daily physical activity. These activities can all count toward your daily total exercise:

- Go for a brisk walk during your lunch hour or after dinner

- Take the stairs whenever possible

- Wash the car yourself instead of going through the drive-thru car wash

- Try some gardening

- Walk in place while watching TV

- Whenever possible ride your bike instead of driving a car

- Plan an active family vacation or a weekend outing

Just like good eating habits, regular physical activity needs to be part of everyone’s healthy lifestyle. Make changes gradually for a smoother lifestyle transition and to make these habits stick!

Summer activities are crucial, especially for children on summer vacation. Here are some ways to help your child stay moving in the summer:

- Sign your child up for local sports camp or swimming lessons

- Make going on a walk, run, or bike ride a normal event

- Go hiking

- Take up a new hobby like tennis or hiking

- Run through the sprinklers when it is hot outside

- Have a dance party inside when it is raining outside

- Set up a neighborhood contest with jump rope, hula hoop, or hopscotch

- Organize community kickball, soccer, or softball games

- Host a bicycle wash on your street

Being active helps to reduce the risk of chronic health problems later in life. Encourage your kids to get their recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Remember to lead by example by also engaging in regular physical activity.

During the fall find ways to get outside:

- Take a jog

- Go for a nature hike

- Gather the family and go apple picking

- Play a game of football

To ensure fueling our bodies correctly make sure to eat a meal three to four hours before a workout and a small snack about an hour prior. This helps to ensure the energy is in your muscles when you need it.

There are always fun holidays going on throughout the year. Try to stick to your workout routine and always make exercise a priority. Remember, whatever activity you choose, you’ll burn calories instead of storing them- so just have fun with it!


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