Sunday, February 10, 2019

Basics of Carbohydrate Loading for Sports Performance

During physical activity, carbohydrates are the main source of foods that are burned for energy in our bodies. We store some of the carbohydrates in our liver and muscles as glycogen. Carb loading, which means eating a lot of carbohydrate foods to maximize glycogen storage approximately 3 days prior to an event, provides athletes with sustained energy during their activity. Taking part in a high-carb diet can help athletes perform at their very best. Carb loading can successfully be done using whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta, and vegetables. Depending on their bodies, athletic event, and training, the amount of carbs will differ for each athlete based on their specific needs. However, eating a high amount of carbs that the body is not used to could affect their performance in the long run, due to distress in the gastrointestinal area. The foods eaten during carb loading before an event should be similar to the ones they eat during the day of an event. It is also important to replenish your body with nutrients after the event. Some examples include a whole-grain bagel or carrot sticks. Eating nutrient-dense carbohydrates is crucial for maximizing performance for athletes. 

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