August is entitled “Kids Eat Right Month™” because a child’s diet has proven to be of the utmost importance when paving the way to a long life of good health. Below are some tips to keep your kids and the rest of the family healthy.
· Be active! It is recommended that kids get 60 minutes of vigorous play each day. This could be as simple as a few games of tag, or something more involved, such as team sports.
· Eat together. Studies have shown that family bonding and health increase when that family enjoys meals together.
· Plan family activities. Make physical activity a family tradition by frequently planning dance parties, walks, hikes, or any other sort of active excursion!
· Get the kids involved. Let your kids into the kitchen once in a while to help out with meal planning and prep. This will allow them to understand nutritious, healthy foods and their preparation.
To find more materials, such as recipes, tips, and information on Kids Eat Right Month™, follow this link:
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