Friday, July 5, 2024

Why You Should Make Physical Activity a Part of Your Day

Research has suggested that an estimated 150 minutes of exercise per week is recommended to help reduce the risk of chronic disease. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this includes 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, for adults, along with at least two days of muscle-strengthening activities. Even greater benefits are shown by being active for up to 300 minutes per week.  

If adults spend most of their day doing sedentary activities, such as sitting at a desk all day or activities that include lifting lightweight objects, they should consider an increased level of activity.  

Research shows that even if individuals who sit at a desk all day and still go to the gym for even an hour are still at a higher risk for disease than those who are more active. Something small to add physical activity could be walking while running errands.  

What is Physical Inactivity? 

Physical inactivity is known as any time that you are not standing or moving, such as sitting at a desk or watching TV. Our health is impacted based on how often we sit down, and even those who exercise for 150 minutes per week could still be at risk if they sit for too long.  

What are the Risks? 

Many parameters are used to assess disease risk including blood sugar, insulin, HDL, triglycerides, blood pressure, and waist circumference. Researchers have also studied the correlation between sitting, diabetes, and heart disease. Studies even show the relationship between inactivity and premature death. Basically, the more you sit, the greater you put yourself at risk for disease.  

How Can We Reduce Physical Inactivity at Home and at Work? 

It may be helpful to start by moving 1 to 2 minutes each hour in addition to the recommended 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. Here are some tips to help improve your health: 

    • Park far away from buildings 
    • Stand at your desk 
    • Take a walk after lunch 
    • Stand during a phone call 
    • Drink enough water to use the restroom often 
    • Swim, bike, play games in the lawn, or take a walk instead of watching TV 


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