Friday, May 3, 2024

A Very Berry Summer

When it comes to berries, we could be talking about strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, or raspberries. Either way, these fruits are packed with fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants. These fruits are a nutritional powerhouse and tend to excite young kids because of the bright colors and sweet taste. Aiming to include fruit at each meal is important because many kids and teenagers need at least 2 to 2 ½ cups of fruit a day.  

When shopping for berries, make sure to look for containers that don’t have stains, moisture, or mold and instead look for berries that are firm, plump and dry. Strawberries don’t tend to ripen after they are harvested so they should be bright, shiny and dark red. Blueberries should be firm, plump and a dusty blue color. Blackberries should not be leaking but should appear shiny. However, raspberries can come in many different colors so it is difficult to pick based on color. When buying frozen berries, make sure to shake the bag first to ensure there are no big lumps. These big lumps can signify they have defrosted at some point.  

After returning home from purchasing your berries, check them and dispose of the damaged ones to avoid damaging the rest. If strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are stored in the section of your fridge with higher humidity, lower air circulation, and in the coldest area, they will last longer. A good place would be a produce drawer but if this is not available then a sealed container will do just fine. Blackberries on the other hand should be left in the fridge uncovered. Some types of berries can last up to two weeks but many will only last a couple days in the fridge. Within three days of purchasing, is the best time to eat berries for the best quality and nutrients.  

Before serving berries, rinse them in cold water. Berries can be added into low-fat yogurt, salads or smoothies for other usages. Fresh berries typically have the best flavor in season but can be frozen and used for when they are no longer in season. To do this, spread them on a baking sheet and place in a freezer for a couple hours then store them in a freezer-safe container.  


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