Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Fun Facts About Fiber

Although fiber is an essential nutrient, most Americans fall short of the recommended daily intake of it. For women, 25 grams of daily fiber is a good target, and for men, 38 grams is a good target. For those over the age of 50, women should aim for 21 grams of daily fiber, while men should aim for 30 grams. Dietary fiber is important because it has many health benefits. Some of these benefits include helping to provide fullness after meals, helping to decrease cholesterol in the body, preventing constipation and diverticulosis, and helping keep blood sugar within a healthy range. Sources of fiber come from plants. Some examples of these sources include the skin or peel of fruits and vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Some particular foods that are high in fiber are pears with the skin, fresh raspberries, avocados, and black beans. A simple idea for a fiber-rich meal could be a sandwich on whole-grain bread with lots of veggies. The important thing to remember when increasing fiber intake is to increase water intake, as well, in order to keep the digestive tract moving smoothly. Overall though, fiber is an important nutrient that can easily be added into the diet. 

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