Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Pros and Cons to GMO foods

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are foods that have been created by combining different DNA material from one organism into another. GMOs have been a controversial topic within public health, making it important for one to evaluate both the pros and the cons before making a decision. 

Some of the pros of GMO foods are that they can be a solution to improve storage capacity and nutritional value of food while costing less than non-GMO crops. They have a higher yield potential, growing more food for the growing populations. GMOs allow plants to become more pest and disease resistant, have a higher herbicide, cold and drought tolerance. This allows plants to live and grow in conditions that would have otherwise killed them. 

Some of the cons to consuming GMO foods are that they can cause allergic reactions. Consumers are also concerned that these crops are depleting the soil of essential organisms and leaving a residue which could impact soil fertility. Others are concerned that they will increase cancer risk because of the DNA changes that could impact the body, although the data does not completely support this. Other cons include possible antibacterial resistance and the unknown long-term effects of these plants. Research still needs to be done to evaluate these potential effects.

Although much is unknown about GMOs, there are important benefits that are helping with issues, such as world hunger and malnutrition.

For more information on GMOs, go to:

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