Friday, February 15, 2019

Aging Healthily

It is not an easy task staying up to date on the research of the benefits of nutrients like omega-3s. It is also a challenge to incorporate these nutritious foods into our diet.  But, the benefits outweigh the challenges because these fatty acids can actually help people age in a healthier way. Aging in a healthier way is defined as being “free of major chronic diseases and without mental or physical dysfunction”. 

An observational study was conducted by Heidi Lai to connect the association between circulating blood levels of omega-3s and healthy aging among older adults. Baseline measurements took place at 6 and 13 years which looked at EPA, DHA, DPA and ALA. Participants were split into 5 groups and all given different amounts of omega-3s. The rates of unhealthy aging were alarming, being 11% that aged healthily, and 89% aged unhealthily. The groups given seafood sources of EPA were connected to a 24% lower risk of unhealthy aging than the lowest quintile. Groups given seafood sources of DPA showed a decrease of 18-21% in the risk of unhealthy ageing. DHA and ALA had no association. The authors state that the reason for these changes is that “omega-3 PUFAs help to regulate blood pressure, heart rate and inflammation.” 

These findings are a valuable contribution to those that do in depth studies on the benefits of omega-3 PUFAs, showing how much eating seafood can affect the human aging process. Despite the conclusions from the observational study, the author cautions against using these findings to inform the public or to put within nutritional guidelines. But, that does not mean that we should not be reading new research and learning to help ourselves educate others. 

For a more in depth look into this observational research article about omega-3’s see:

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