Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Bone Loss Preventing Bacteria

A team from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, has published research that links probiotic intake to the prevention of bone loss.  The study used a group of elderly women with an average age of 76 and administrated either a placebo or probiotic powder containing Lactobacillus reuteri bacteria.  After taking these supplements every day for a year, it was found that those that had ingested the probiotic supplement lost 50% less bone in their lower legs than those on the placebo.

This research is extremely important to the aging population and their caregivers as preventing bone loss can reduce injuries related to falls and the medical care associated with the treatment of such.  Additionally, probiotic supplementation is relatively inexpensive, has been linked to other health benefits, and produces little to no side effects.

Although this research is but a small window into the complexity of probiotics and their effects, its results are intriguing and have potential to significantly add to an individual’s quality of life.

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