Friday, October 11, 2024

5 Ways to Promote a Positive Body Image for Kids

            Body image is how a person feels about their body.  No matter what a kid’s size or weight is, children can develop either a positive or negative body image very easilyThese concerns can occur as early as in preschoolTherefore, it is important as parents and as adult role models to promote a positive body image. 

If kids have a more positive body image, they are more likely to be more comfortable and confident in themselves, increasing their ability to succeed.  In contrast, kids with a negative body image often feel more anxious, isolated, and self-conscious, putting them at greater risk for excessive weight gain and eating disordersTo help your child have a positive body image and to help prevent these problems, try the following five steps.  

  1. 1. Check Your Own Body Image Issues 

How parents/role models feel about their bodies has powerful influences on kids.  So, take time to think about how you talk and view your body in front of kids.  If you talk about having huge thighs or how you must go on a diet, your kids will pick up on these negative messages and start to question these things about themselves.  

  1. 2. Focus on Health, Not Weight 

For your kids’ sake and your own- shift your focus from weight to healthNumbers on a scale do not always account for healthInstead, concentrate on delicious foods and fun physical activities to stay healthyMost kids do not need to necessarily workout, but they do need to play with their friends and familyThis can help them to make smart and tasty snack choices as well, greatly benefiting their health in the future. 

  1. 3. Find Physical Activities That Fit 

Feeling strong, fit, and capable are one aspect of positive body imageAnd all kids need regular physical activity that they enjoySome kids are natural athletes, loving everything, but others are notIt's good to find their niche even if that is walking, karate, or even hip-hop dancing.  It doesn’t matter which physical fitness they are doing, just the fact that they are doing something. 

  1. 4. Watch Out for Bullies 

Weight-related teasing is not uncommonEncourage your kids’ school to address the issue and to support nutrition and physical education that promotes health for kids at all sizesIf your kid is being bullied, act now, and discuss your concerns with someone who can help like a school counselor or trusted administrator. 

  1. 5. Myth-Busting the “Perfect Body 

Help your kids to understand that there is no such thing as the perfect bodyTalk to them about the bodies that they see on the television, in magazines, or on the internetTalk to them about models or ads and explain that many of these pictures or images are retouched or even changed so that their bodies appear “perfect”.  Also give your kid body positive comments and help them to feel good in their natural bodies to help grow a positive body image.  


Friday, October 4, 2024

How To Avoid Diet Trends

    With the heavy influence of social media and the pressures to look a certain way, it can be easy to be pushed to follow trends in dieting. These are also known as “Fad Diets” and they can be harmful because they usually originate from false information. There are no foods or supplements that can instantly cause someone to lose weight. It is important to be able to distinguish between reputable information and false claims. Here are some red flag phrases to avoid in terms of diet plans.  

Rapid Weight Loss  

    Diets that claim to have you lose weight fast are not sustainable. You are more than likely losing muscle rather than fat or dehydrating yourself which makes it very likely that you will gain the weight back quickly.  

Quantities and Limitations  

    Stay away from diets that severely restrict eating enough macronutrients such as carbohydrates.  

Rigid Menus  

    Limiting entire food groups can be stressful and complicated. Avoid diets that are dramatically different from your current routine or that you can’t see yourself following for the long term.  

No Need to Exercise  

    Participating in physical activity on a regular basis is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. It is important to find a variety of activities that you enjoy doing and can be easily incorporated into your routine. 


Friday, September 27, 2024

Reduce Cancer Risk by Eating Right

Did you know that you can lower your cancer risk? The International Agency for Research on Cancer predicts that by 2040, there will be 3.12 million new cancer cases in the U.S., many of which could potentially be prevented. Ongoing research highlights that lifestyle choices significantly impact your likelihood of developing cancer. Studies indicate that around 18% of all cancer diagnoses in the U.S. are associated with diet, high body mass index (BMI), insufficient physical activity, and alcohol consumption. Along with quitting smoking and protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, making healthy dietary choices and maintaining regular physical activity are key strategies for reducing cancer risk. 

Here are some general tips for a healthier lifestyle that may help lower your cancer risk. Reduce processed foods: Foods high in added sugars and saturated fats can crowd out more nutrient-dense options. Instead, focus on whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins. Prioritize plant-based proteins: Beans and lentils are not only nutritious but also affordable sources of protein and fiber. Limit your intake of red and processed meats, as they are linked to higher cancer risks. Limit alcohol consumption: Alcohol may increase the risk of certain cancers, including breast and colorectal cancer. If you choose to drink, keep it to one drink per day for women and two for men.




Friday, September 20, 2024

How Teen Athletes Can Build Muscle with Protein

Eating protein alone doesn’t guarantee muscle growth. Before you boost your protein intake in an attempt to gain a new physique, consider the following facts! Building muscle requires a combination of adequate protein and calorie intake, hormone production (like human growth hormone and testosterone), and regular physical activity. Some things that can help aid in muscle growth are eating a balanced diet that includes a high calorie intake of protein. Protein needs for each individual person are different, so they must be calculated.The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 46 grams for teenage girls and 52 grams for teens. 


Friday, September 13, 2024

The Scoop on Added Sugars

Sugar is a simple carbohydrate which means it is a quick and easy source of energy for the body. Sugar is broken down and either used for energy immediately or stored for later use. Sugar can occur naturally in food. Dairy products, for example, not only provide the body with protein, calcium, and vitamin D but also contain a natural form of sugar called lactose. Fruits and vegetables contain a variety of natural sugars but also dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Grains also contain a variety of natural sugars in addition to vitamins and minerals. Whole grains, specifically, will also offer the consumer a good source of dietary fiber and additional nutrients. “Added sugar” refers to sugar or sweetener not naturally found in food but added when the food is processed or prepared. Examples of added sugars include different types of white or brown sugar, molasses, honey, and maple syrup. However, many different names for added sugars exist. Refer to the Nutrition Facts Label for more information on the amount of added sugars per serving. Some common foods that contain added sugars are breads, cereals, energy bars, ketchup, salad dressings, and pasta sauces.  


Friday, September 6, 2024

4 Fall Foods for Your Family


        Increase your vitamin A, fiber, and potassium intake by trying pumpkin, orange winter squash. Pumpkin puree can be mixed into dishes like mac-and-cheese, hummus, pancake batter, oatmeal, smoothies, and chili. Pumpkin seeds can be roasted and eaten as a delicious and healthful snack as they contain many nutrients. One of these nutrients is zinc which is essential for many body processes including immune function. Follow the following steps to toast your pumpkin seeds. Rinse to remove pulp and strings. Spread seeds on a baking sheet (coat baking sheet with cooking spray or drizzle a small amount of olive oil over the seeds). Bake at 325°F for about thirty minutes or until lightly toasted (stir occasionally while cooking). Add spices (such as garlic powder or Cajun seasoning) to season the toasted seeds if desired.  


        Oats are heart-healthy and a good source of dietary fiber (for slow-burning energy). Try having warm oatmeal for breakfast as it is both affordable and filling. Oatmeal can be topped with nuts (such as walnuts, almonds, or pecans), seeds (such as ground flaxseed or pumpkin seeds), and fruit (such as pears or cranberries). These toppings can add more fiber, vitamins, and minerals to your oatmeal.  


        Apples are a nutritious option as they are a source of vitamin C and dietary fiber. Eat the skin of the apple for the full fiber benefits. For an easy snack, try sprinkling apple slices with ground cinnamon or pairing them with cheese or peanut butter. With dinner, try stewing apples and serving them with savory foods such as roasted pork.  

Brussels Sprouts

        Brussels sprouts may be small, but they provide the body with dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, iron, and some protein. Try cutting Brussels sprouts into smaller pieces and tossing them with sea salt and olive oil. Then, roast them until crispy. Brussels sprouts can also be served as part of a mixture with roasted sweet potato or butternut squash cubes. They can also be shredded (or bought pre-shredded) and sautéed lightly in olive oil. They can then be tossed in with your favorite pasta or rice dish.